Thanks for coming to this
page. The idea is that I am willing to
put a bit of effort into building and maintaining this site, mainly by havin fun buying fitness toys and gadgets, using them
(testing) them for fun (serious fun), posting pictures and the results up here,
with my opinions. Over the coming months
you will see the biggest changes here, It was this September when I decided to
actually get fit “my way too”, so you will already be able to see pictures of
me now after 9 months of getting fit the lazy salesman’s way, really, not some
super course for high achievers but for 43yr old smoking drinkers. Now, that can be a bit busy sometimes but
does integrate perfectly(?) with a family where 2 kids
are school age and me on the road 2-3 nights a week sometimes more.
Just joining a gym isn’t always
enough it can be done my way without, I didn’t, steady worked for me.
The Following is some thing I
realised is something worth really thinking about:
What will happen if I don’t do Sod All ??
What will happen if I do do Something ??
“Your Gonna
Be Here in 6 Months Time Anyway, Might As Well Start Doing Something Now !”,
(Just a little bit of change though)
“I know I can keep that up, it’s
only a little bit of extra effort.” Is
the result you MUST have to succeed)
A little change each week for 6 months, is a MASSIVE amount of change in six months
time. A massive change today ?
Yes but only mentally. “Where The Mind
Leads The Body Follows”