My Bullworker X5









I have an affinity with the Bullworker, it spans probably 2/3rds of my life from a Green Handled 70s model (now somewhere along the road of life along with my adolescent pubescent chest !!) to my current X5 which i bought about in 96 with the best of intentions.


I have followed the exercise sheet almost to the letter, 1st week as per, then I added exercises at a quicker rate, ie all of them at once.

1 slow pull with max effort for far too long I stuck with that for a while and having done some reading on isometric/isotonic training i am now doing app. 26 ex. for 6 slow constant tension reps followed by a concentrated mental count to 12 hold at a tension just less than tremble time !!

The results since I started back with bully in just 6 weeks are amazing better definition, visible muscle growth already. I’m trying to watch my calories so cant wait until the end of 2 weeks of Advanced...